Catholic Philosophy

In philosophy, we pursue the knowledge of things through their highest causes using the human intellect alone. It thus represents the highest endeavour of unaided human reason.

The material presented on this site - commonly called 'Thomist philosophy' or 'Thomism' - commenced with Aristotle and was developed significantly by St Thomas Aquinas. A long list of commentators since have amplified and clarified the insights of these two major figures.

Sound philosophy sorely needed today

Much unhappiness today stems from a poor understanding of what a human being is and his purpose in life. If schools do not help our children to think deeply and rightly about man and his world, is it surprising that we have all sorts of aberrant activity accepted as 'normal' and 'appropriate'?

This collection of books - mainly by H. D. Gardeil, O.P - is offered in the hope that, by examining the big questions about life using human reason alone, we will make better life decisions. Unlike what passes for 'philosophy' in our secular tertiary institutions, we attempt to find answers and form a consistent view across a range of disciplines and not just review, more or less critically, what a disparate group of earlier thinkers have said.

We attempt to find answers to help us live our life well. Enjoy.


The philosophy of nature.
The implications of 'change'.

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The philosophy of animate nature.
About the soul and its operations

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The study of being as being and the science of first causes and first principles.

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The study of right and wrong in human action.
Coming soon.

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